@yyolk asks on Twitter: @newrafael just curious, what’s your level of knowledge in regards to actual coding?

real programmers binary

Hi @yyolk,

My coding knowledge is tiny. Smaller than a pimple on a fruitfly.

I remember trying to code in 2000/2001. I could play a bit with framesets in html, and “gotoFrame” in Flash. But then it just felt like there was a wall I had to learn to climb. I just wasn’t motivated, or I don’t have the talent. Probably a bit of both.

I don’t know css, I know maybe 3 tags in html, and I know how to do “goto random frame” in Flash. That is my total knowledge of coding.

I remember seeing a discussion at the New Museum, about the question “should everyone know how to code”? After all, our world is more and more digital so not knowing how to code is like being illiterate?

I don’t know if I would make better work if I was coding it myself. I was very lucky to meet nice people who’ve helped me, in particular Reinier Feijen. He is very friendly and patient and he enjoys the process of solving visual puzzles.

I do know that I’m running out of time as is, so it’s good for me to work together with people.