
don’t make art on the internet, that will never work

don’t show websites in museums, they belong online

don’t make gallery objects, you’re a web artist

don’t write poetry, you’re not a poet

don’t use blockchain, that’s for investors

don’t paint, that’s for painters


RR haiku 285

if you want to be an artist

do what you want

not what they want


Mission Statement

less strategy 👉 more fun

less fear 👉 more joy

less meaning 👉 more energy

less limits 👉 more freedom

less stress 👉 more naps

less opinion 👉 more ideas

less worry 👉 more hope

less doubts 👉 more decisions


What should art be?

a fire?
a door?
a mystery?
an example?
a lightning rod?
a lifestyle?
a religion?
a waterfall?
a storm?


Self Promotion

i made something, you should see it!

it is great because

– it represents the core of my being
– i worked on it for a long time
– i did a lot of research
– it will go up in value
– it will make the world a better place
– famous people love it
– i am aware of art history


Fear of Emptiness

empty pockets
empty phrases
empty gestures
empty calories
empty stomach
empty vessel
empty promise
empty threat
empty house
empty hard drive
empty fridge
empty wallet
empty table
empty bed
empty horizon
empty nester
empty page
empty time
empty mind


Art & The Rest

In the Before Times, art and culture were clearly separated by museum walls. Within those museum walls, artists kept asking what art is. Is this art? How about this? And this? As long as it happened inside those walls, the answer was always yes.

Now that art has to operate on the same screen as everybody else, the contextual privilege disappears. If you cover a museum wall with peanut butter, it’s art. But what if you do the same thing on Youtube?

Art is something different. There is culture, there is entertainment, and somewhere outside of that is art. Is that true? Is art different? Is art better?

Does art transcend the crowded realm of decoration and entertainment? Does art last longer? Does art show us our true selves? Does art break convention? When culture breaks convention, is it art?

When writing is exceptional, does it become art? When cooking is exceptional, does it become art? Can breathing be art?

Is art only that what is shown in museums? Does the word art mean anything? I’d like to believe there is something valuable that separates art from the rest but I’m not so sure.


The independent artist

free from expectation
free from distraction
free from approval
free from convention
free from obligation
free from utility
free from compromise
free from agreement
free from competition
free from hierarchy
free from fear



I don’t really understand the impulse to own art. I love empty spaces. I love being in an empty space. It is the most inspiring to me because there is nothing else to do except finding new ideas. Ownership is a prison of obligations. But I need your money so I can make whatever I want. Because you want to own I can create. I don’t judge your cravings, I am happy that you take on the burden of storage. Take it out of my hands so I can make something new.

Please take care of the work and give me some money so I can buy soba noodles and get back to work. Money makes me happy. Lots of money and few things. Money in the bank makes me feel free. I realize i’m not free at all. The more money I have the poorer I feel. The more there is to lose. I made good money this year, more than I ever have. I have no idea what to do with it other than to keep it in a jar and feed it. The money makes me feel safe yet i’m not.


Art is

art is the intensification of perception

art is the moment between realizing and understanding

art is research without aim

art is the area between thoughts and feelings

art is the tension between a personality and a material

art is not mysterious because there is no solution

art does not have any reason to exist

art comes from solitary curiosity