RR haiku 260

i hope

they like

this one


RR haiku 259

slowly realizing




RR haiku 258

i am here

you are



RR haiku 257

this is


for you


new website: manysome.com


RR haiku 256

not sure

what to do

right now


RR haiku 255

i hope

this finds

you well


Generosity at Towada Art Center Japan

Solo exhibition at Towada Art Center
Curated by Kodama Kanazawa
Photos by ​Kuniya Oyamada​


RR haiku 254

i ate

i am eating

i will eat


new website: many moment .com


new website: start stop go .com


“Portraits”, exhibition at Steve Turner, Los Angeles, 2018


New iPhone app: Blurrrrr

Blurrrrr is a camera app that blurs what you see. Using a custom algorithm, images are changed almost beyond recognition to colorful abstractions.

Point your iPhone just like in a normal camera app, and tap to save a photo. Tap and hold to record videos. Photos and videos are saved to your camera roll.

An app by Rafaël Rozendaal & Tibor Udvari.


RR haiku 253

i had a headache

for a few hours

not any more


RR haiku 252

all i want to do

is spend more time

with you


Anti Social at Postmasters NYC


New app: Here Hear

Here Hear is an iPhone app that translates vision into melody.

It’s a camera app that uses color contrasts to recognize shapes. Point the camera anywhere to see the visual structure of what you see.

The second part is the sound of those shapes. Each generated shape has its own color, and each corresponds with a note. There are 12 notes related to the 12 colors of the app.
On first tap, the image freezes and a timeline starts moving across the image. Every time this timeline hits a shape, you hear a tone.

It’s a tool for finding melodies in a visual way. Instead of using traditional musical instruments, which are usually played based on your decision, Here Hear can help you find melodies that are floating around you.

Find it on the App Store

Code by Tibor Udvari


new website: manual sequence .com


Convenient at TSCA Tokyo


RR haiku 251

if you have

too much money

i can help