“Finger Battle” animated portrait by Isabella Rozendaal

rafael rozendaal portrait by isabella rozendaal

My very cool sister Isabella Rozendaal made this “Finger Battle” animated portrait of me.

Check out her photography website and her website on hunting.


“Art Talk”, Vice Magazine made a short movie about me

Vice Magazine presents Art Talk, a series of short documentaries on contemporary artists.
In this episode they followed me around at my exhibition at W139 and BYOB Amsterdam.
Thank you to Jan van Tienen and everyone at Vice, peace!

rafael rozendaal art talk vice magazine


BYOB Amsterdam

byob amsterdam


“The Shift” exhibition at W139 Amsterdam

2011 the shift

2011 the shift

2011 the shift

“The Shift”, solo show at W139 Amsterdam.

Visitor moves: sound of a mosquito
Visitor doesn’t move: silence

Open till 9th of September 2011.


a photo from last night’s opening

w139 shift opening photo by rene andreasi bassi

Thank you everyone who came out to see the show yesterday!
Photo by René Andreasi Bassi.


artist talk this saturday in amsterdam at W139

lecture rafael rozendaal

Saturday July 30, at 3 pm, I will do an artist talk/ lecture at W139. I will talk about my online works, translating/ optimizing web pieces for exhibition spaces, BYOB, web strategies, social networks, and I will close it all off with a new series called “Youtube Associations”. That means I play a Youtube on the projection screen, and everyone in the audience is invited to choose the next one, playing all kinds of videos for about an hour. I did it a few weeks ago at a talk in Chicago and I was amazed how much fun it was.

Hope to see you there!

W139, Warmoestraat 139, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
“The Shift” opens July 29, 9 pm.
Artist talk July 30, 3 pm.


speed show amsterdam

speed show amsterdam

Thursday, 16th of September 2010, Opening 7:00 – 10:00 PM
Speed show is a new type of exhibition that takes place in internet cafes around the world.
Aram Bartholl is organizing Vol. 3 “Peace” in Amsterdam with works by: Constant Dullaart, Evan Roth, Guthrie Lonergan, Jan Robert Leegte, JODI, Jon Rafman, Peter Luining, Rafaël Rozendaal, Timur Si-Qin.


the last session


Opening this friday at De Brakke Grond in Amsterdam: The Last Session, an exhibition, music, cinema and lectures. My piece it will never be the same .com will be exhibited.
The Session is a collective of eight designers and artists that make a thematic fanzine since 2007.