I made 10 Gif animations for AND Festival

AND (Abandon Normal Devices) Festival is a summer Festival that happens in several cities in the UK each year. They always ask artists to make new work, and this year they asked me to make a series of ten animated gifs for their blog. They were posted week by week onder the name Happy Mondays.

Here they are all together:





















I will be releasing a series of animated gifs for AND festival

and festival gif

Over the next two months I will be releasing one animated .gif per week as an online project for AND festival. This is the first one.

Abandon Normal Devices (AND) is an energetic regional festival of new cinema, digital culture and art in Liverpool.


RGB chameleon .gif

RGB chameleon


Christina jumping in the pool .gif

christina jump pool

Christina in Florida via Skype


trembling sketch .gif

trembling gif sketch


Double Bauhaus .gif


apple drawing .gif

apple drawing .gif


contrast apple sketch

contrast apple


my favorite BYOB gifs

by travess smalley

By Travess Smalley.


by guthrie lonergan & chris coy

By Guthrie Lonergan & Chris Coy.


by daniel swan

By Daniel Swan.


by Jeronimo Jiminez

By Jeronimo Jiminez.


By Chris Collins

By Chris Collins.


by vakki

By Vakki.



basic red and blue .gif

rafael rozendaal basic red blue


fast gradients .gif



fast shapes .gif

rafael rozendaal fast shapes .gif


closing shapes .gif

rafael rozendaal closing shapes .gif


water study .gif

rafael rozendaal water study gif


tea glass .gif

rafael rozendaal tea glass .gif


breathing circle .gif

breathing circle rafael rozendaal


fast compositions .gif

fast compositions rafael rozendaal 2011


finger battle .gif

rafael rozendaal finger battle gif


blue red wheel .gif

blue red wheel gif rafael rozendaal 2011


water sketch

water sketch