The world’s biggest kiss (HD video)

I was invited by curator by Lauren Cornell and the New Museum to show a selection of my websites on Seoul Square, the world’s largest LED screen, measuring an impressive 80 x 100 meters. The event happened on May 24, 2012 and was produced by Calvin Klein.

I always thought moving images are very versatile. They are energy based, not atom based, just like music. You can listen to a song at home, while you run, in a club, or in a huge stadium.
It doesn’t change the song, it does change the experience.

Works shown on Seoul Square:
Much Better Than This .com (Collection of Almar & Margot van der Krogt)
Falling Falling .com
Like This Forever .com (Collection of Allen & Overy)
Towards and

Music by Cold Void (Rafaël Rozendaal & Luuk Bouwman)

A big thank you to everyone involved…

rafael rozendaal seoul square kiss

rafael rozendaal seoul square falling

rafael rozendaal seoul square rose

rafael rozendaal seoul square towardsbeyond


I will be showing work on Korea’s biggest screen tomorrow

Seoul Square Building

The building you see in this photo is not only a building, it is also the biggest screen in Korea, measuring a whopping 80 x 100 meters! I am very excited to be part of a video program selected by Lauren Cornell of the New Museum. Other artists include Michael Bell Smith and Takeshi Murata.

The building is covered in LED’s and on May 24, from 8 to 11 PM, you will see one of the world’s biggest art screenings ever.

If you happen to be in Seoul tomorrow, please stop by Seoul Station. Seoul Square is right in front of it.

Supported by Calvin Klein.


hybrid moment in seoul korea

seoul korea